Friday, 21 August 2015

What We Think Is Reality Can Sometimes Be Affected By Virtual Influences

So last week I said I was probably going to talk about space and identity, Yeah about that, i have since changed my mind and I'm now going to talk about how Pinterest interacts with mapping; virtual and physical. Mapping itself is a very bored term and can be presented in many different ways, as shown through the lectures: worlds maps; which have advanced over time, show us our place in the world, social mapping; how we as a community change and map the space around us and mind maps; a way to help to show out your thoughts and link them together (Kuttainen, 2015).
Linking on from maps, there are people who make the maps and there are people in the world who follow the maps. Someone who is a flâneur is likely to be the map follower as they are generally people who are “detached observers strolling through the streets at a leisurely pace” (Prouty, 2009). Someone who is likely to make the map is someone who is likely to “walk…a turtle on a leash” (Prouty, 2009), take everything in and copy it down on paper, or something like that. 
Over the time i have spent on Pinterest, it has shown me the different ways people are. It has shown me how some people are walking a turtle on a leash or they are like the flaneur. Personally I think a I'm a bit of both, I walk the turtle on the leash, I look at every picture that shows up on the screen, but I'm also a Flaneur, even though I look at every single picture, I only tend to look into the ones I find interesting. 
So I probably have to write a hook line that will that will have you sitting on the edge of you sit till next post, but that is only likely if i could actually english, so all I'm going to say is this, “It is not down in any map; true places never are.” (Herman Melville).

Image Reference


  1. You mention some good points and your definitions of the different types of maps and clear and concise. However, I think you are confused about the concept of a flaneur. As I understand it, flaneurs and people who "walk a turtle on a leash" are the same thing. Flaneurs stroll the streets leisurely and slowly, and took to walking a turtle to show how slow a pace was necessary in order to properly take in the surroundings (Prouty, 2009). At least, that's how I understand it.

  2. Personally i am more of a turtle on a leash!
    Jack, you have some well developed points and have a grasp on the different types of maps. you seem to know what youre on about, which is always good,
    I also, however agree with Annie. My understanding of a flaneur is the same as walking a turtle on a leash, for Flaneurs are more ones to smell the roses as they walk on by and the turtle on the leash as a more stop and smell the roses. (Prouty, 2009)


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