Everything in this world has a story. Every word, every place, every item.
Though it might be overlooked, the story of such will effect how one sees and interprets it. As Tuan says "words alone, used in an appropriate situation, can have the power to render objects, formerly invisible because unattended, visible, and impart to them a certain character" (Tuan, 1991), this can be applied to a story, whether fictional or not each choice of word can make your mind relive crazy and sometimes unwanted memories from your personal encounters, and if you haven't experienced it, when you do, you'll have a new understanding of it. This is present within Tumblr as people can upload varies types of media, though lets take a picture; that picture, that moment, the surroundings, who they are with, the weather, all contributes to the story of that picture. Though not everyone will have the pleasure to have your stories shared with you, or be in your stories, so no one is looking at the same picture and thinking the same thing.
Ariella van Luyn, in the lecture states "Greeks understood that the way we tell a story shapes the way we see the world, and the way therefore we posses the world." Because in reality our mind conquers us every time. If we had a certain word implanted into our brain that something is bad, like a cute quokka, which is actually this, even if thats what we are seeing, our mind and what we have been told are causing us to really see this. We would be terrified of them, avoiding them if seen, and this can apply to everything, words, places, items, species, EVERYTHING. If given a certain story, one would believe it, that is how most phobias are caused, one bad experience causes the implant of that thought, when everytime you come to face that once again, that thought is replayed over and over again in your mind. This is also shown in Tumblr as words, pictures and topics that are uploaded, influence us in different ways as we all have different experiences with it.
Reference List:
Tuan, Y.-F. (1991). Language and the making of place: A narrative-descriptive approach. 684-696.
Van Luyn, A. (2015). BA1002: Space: Networks, Narratives, and the Making of Place, week 5 notes. Retrieved August 28, 2015, from https://learnjcu.jcu.edu.au/webapps/blackboard/execute/content/file?cmd=view&content_id=_1996330_1&course_id=_69740_1
Picture of Book and Glasses Retrieved from https://www.tsttourist.com/UserFiles/Image/13857.jpg
I like your first point about how one interprets things due to their past stories and how those past stories can give good feelings to some but to others bad feelings. I think many if not all people can relate to this as we all have interpreted things differently and makes who we are. You have made a strong connection with interpretation and tumbler and as Ansel Adams said “Photography, as a powerful medium of expression and communications, offers an infinite variety of perception, interpretation and execution” (Adams, 2015), this statement is very true and that picture you see on Tumbler lets you have a small experience of what’s in that picture. I found your second point also to be quit compelling as it too is very relatable as I find that what we do is based on what we know and what we know all goes back to our interpretation of the world around us.
Adams, A. (2015). Brainy Quote. Retrieved from Interpretation Quotes : http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/anseladams141164.html?src=t_interpretation
I agree with the point made in this blog entry which basically says that stories have the power to make your mind experience different feelings depending on what story and what type it is. I also like the link of this idea to Tumblr which has exemplified how photos or text posts that appear on the dashboard can make people relive memories. On Tumblr, when photos appear on a dashboard, the user’s personal experiences affect the way that they see these photos. I believe that the concept of ontology can also be linked to Tumblr. According to Kuttainen, V, (2015), ontology is the “theory of existence”. Essentially, it is the way in which we make sense of the things we see. When a Tumblr user scrolls through their dashboard, the way in which they make sense of what they see is what ontology is. Overall, I agree with the points made in this blog entry.
ReplyDeleteReference List
Kuttainen, V. (2015). BA1002: Our Space: Networks, Narratives, and Place: Lecture 5. Retrieved on 28/08/15 from http://learnjcu.jcu.edu.au
The idea that pictures can show a situation and let you experience something which may not even relate to it is very interesting. As the lecture described, we perceive events/situations in ways that make sense to us whether or not that perceived view is true to what the situation is trying to express (Kuttainen, 2015). In the reading by Victoria Kuttainen (2013), she describes that narrative is influenced by place, and in terms of this blog I can agree that the situation invoked by what you view on the "My Story" section of Snapchat is directly related by your experiences of place.
Kuttainen, V. (2015). BA1002: Week 5: Stories and Places, week 5 notes [Powerpoint slides].
Retrieved from https://learnjcu.jcu.edu.au/webapps/blackboard/execute/content/file?cmd=view&content_id=_1996330_1&course_id=_69740_1
Kuttainen, V. (2013). Style, modernity and popular magazines: Writing Pacific Travel. Telling Stories:Australian life and literature 1935-2012. 51-56. Retrieved from https://learnjcu.jcu.edu.au/webapps/Conc-camcontent-bb_bb60/items/getitem.jsp?as_course_code=14-BA1002-TSV-INT-SP2&content_id=_1631889_1&course_id=_60553_1&doc_id=53202