Monday, 24 August 2015

The Geography of snaps

"Maps are both mirrors and shapers of the world"(Kuttainen, 2015). I believe this quote rings true, and it can be seen a few ways through the use of the app Snapchat. Although in this case, the map isn't a traditional paper map, it's a cyber map, a collection of data showing where someone has visited online. However, social networks afford a unique spin on the cyber map, one relating to real-life locations, and I feel that none do this better than Snapchat. "Cyberspace exists only as a cognitive map. The bewildering amount of data that exists in electronic space on storage devices constitutes a labyrinth that requires 'the inner map we make for ourselves, plus the layout of the software'"(Barnes, 1997).

The most powerful way I believe Snapchat can both mirror and shape the world (as mentioned above), is through its overarching themes of self & community, and communication. The ability to instantaneously see what your friends are doing through their eyes is nothing short of extraordinary. The sheer amount of connectivity provided is demonstrated by Business Insider, showing which countries had the Snapchat app as number one in their respective app stores in July 2014 through the use of a map. Through these drastically diverse cultures and countries, one can grasp a better sense of the world than others may be able to in a sociology or anthropology class! The fact that one's friends include them specifically to let them experience their holidays or study exchanges or business trips may help them feel very connected to that person and good about themselves at the same time. Not only that, the ability to follow celebrities and have events broadcast to Snapchat helps one feel more connected to the larger world, and subsequently, part of the global community.

Kuittanen, V. (2015) Lecture 4: Maps.[Power Point slides] Retrieved from

Unknown, (2015). Retrieved from:

Barnes, G. (1997) Passage of the Cyber Flaneur. Retrieved on August 23, 2015 from

Balve, M. (2014) Snapchat Has Gone Global --  These Are The Countries Where It Has Reached The Top Of The App Charts. Retrieved August 24, 2015 from:

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