Friday, 28 August 2015

Stories of Instagram

Instagram uses language to connect people using the app. A user can write a short comment about the photo when it is posted, and use "hashtags" to allow the photo to appear in searches. This requires the user to know the narrative of hashtags; to understand how to tag their photo. 

Narratives are seen all through Instagram. As it is a very creative and picture based form of social media, art(photography) is used as a common way of portraying narrative. A user's posts can tell us a lot about them, and they can tell their story. As Kuttainen, V. said "(The) whole field of narrative psychology (is) self-narrative" (Kuttainen,V. 2015)  Users can share these self-narratives with eachother to learn more.

But power is still affecting whose stories are seen, or viewed as equal.All systematic modes of interpretation (stories, art, or science) MIGHT be equally valid, but they are rarely perceived as such.” (Kuttainen, V. 2015) The more popular or famous users of instagram’s stories will be viewed as more important or valid. This may be celebrities who have accounts but can also be other forms of famous users (youtube or internet stars.) More about this can be read here

However, since it is a photo website anyone with nice pictures that appeal to people has the possibility of having their story shared.

The Instagram accounts of fashion brands and models are also very popular on Instagram. This means that the most important posts on Instagram are similar to that of a magazine. This may be because of the similar type of content; photos, and aesthetically pleasing designs.

It is similar to the line in 'Telling stories Australian life and literature' "the magazines promoted the rise of amateur photography, inviting the growing tourist class to preserve the memories they had acquired"  

 (Goldfarb, N. 2014)  Instagram: A popularity contest
(Dalziel, T. & Genoni,P. 2013) Telling stories: Australian life and literature: Monash University Publishing: Australia
(Kuttainen,V.) Lecture 5: Stories and Places   Retrieved

1 comment:

  1. I agree with this post as how one's Instagram can tell their followers much about them; normally what they are eating, where they are, what they are doing and who they are with. Instagram allows users to look back on photos they've taken previously to reminisce on those memories. “Stories are Ways of Seeing” (Kuttainen, 2015), each picture is story on it's own. As it has the ability to bring back certain emotions with each pictures and memory. Though if a follower is looking at a picture and hasn't been to a certain location or eaten a certain food that is displayed in a picture, it is hard for them to relate. Just as if you don't tell someone the story, or if they haven't connected with something they have no knowledge and therefore it'll have no meaning behind it for them. A place of happiness, might be a place of sadness and mourning to someone else, each person has a different story and connection to an item, place, and person, because of their interactions with such.

    Reference List;

    Kuttainen, V. (2015). BA1002: Our Space: Networks, Narratives and the Making of Place, Lecture 5: Stories and .[Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from


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