Image Retrieved From: Business Insider
Pictures; they have captured the power of life without the need of a limit. The social network in which i have hand picked to investigate for my blog posts is Pinterest. Pinterest is a easy and creative way on finding and following genres of life you love. I have been a member on Pinterest for several months now and have found the experience has shown me that there is no real overwhelming powerful figures, i mean there is the power of popularity like celebrities, who have more likes on there boards then anyone else, but there celebrities people probably just like them cause they’re famous. Power is generally associated as being “something that is held over you and used to obtain leverage” (Allen, 2015), but in this situation, or any social mead site, it is more likely to be associated with with popularity, yes i do realise that i have probably already mentioned this but, in my defence, there is literally no correct term for power.
As said in the lecture in week two, “Power comes out of connections, [and] out of relationships” (Kuttainen, 2015), the best way to get your boards and profile followed is to follow a power figure head and hopefully get them to post/like your boards then the people will follow. As said by John Allen in his book, Lost Geographies of Power, “Power as an outcome cannot and should not be ‘read off’…”, which is true, the best description is shown, not told nor read. A blogger called Allison Boyer talks about how wonderful Pinterest is and how it can be used for personal or business reasons and it ability to share and follow it from other social media sources such as Twitter and Other blogs.
That is all for this week, For next week i'm thinking i might revolve around the concepts of space and identity but you will have to find that out later.
Allen, J. (2003). Lost geographies of power. Malden, MA.: Blackwell.
Kuttainen, V. (2015). BA1002: Our Space: Networks, narratives and the making of place, Lecture 2: Power. [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from
Boyer, A. (2012, January 21). 35 Brilliant Bloggers Talk about Pinterest. Retrieved August 11, 2015, from
Bartle, D. (2013, August 1). BA1002: Our Space: Networks, Narrative and the Making of Place : Blog Exemplar. Retrieved August 12, 2015, from
Image Reference
image was retrieved on, (14 August, 2015), from:
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