Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Becoming #InstaFamous102

Becoming #InstaFamous102

Picture from: Imediaconnection

Networks, like pin points on a map.
  In the wonderful world of Instagram maps play an important role literally and figuratively. There is a literal digital world map page built into Instagram where you can tag the location of your photos and in the map page you can actually see your photos in the corresponding place in the world of where you took them, or like how Dr Kuttainen said in the weeks lecture that the purpose of digital maps to present information on village layout.
 Designed specifically for the travellers of Insta, the map function is also the reason for inspiring every day users to travel more. The average Instagrammer would simply look up a location on the map for inspiration on where they would like to plan their next adventure.
 For the non travellers this maps function within Instagram exactly as what G. Barnes states as "a virtual travel where one could be transported to an artificial "elsewhere" by providing an absolute presence of another reality." From this weeks reading of Passage of the flaneur. Where they can literally travel the world with a tap of the screen.
Hashtags are also important when it comes to Instagram, they are another way of networking between other users. Hashtags are ways that you can have your photos be seen more, as well as being the easiest way for mass viewing of your posts. Hashtags group everyones photos together by similarities and common themes. When an Instagrammer uses more than one hashtag it links more and more pictures together and starts making a network map of photos of similarities and specified interest.

Another way of creating network maps among photos on Insta is to tag other users using the @ symbol this also helps to connect their followers to your photos.

  • Kuttainen, V. (2015). BA1002: Our Space: Networks, Narratives and the Making of Place, Lecture 4: Maps.[Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from https://learnjcu.jcu.edu.au/
  • Barnes, G. 'Passage of the flaneur' retrieved 19th August 2015 from http://www.raynbird.com/essays/Passage_Flaneur.html
Image Reference:
  • (25th August, 2015) retrieved from: http://www.imediaconnection.in/article/1405/Digital/instagram-undergoes-third-major-update-rolls-out-photo-maps-feature.html

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