Friday, 14 August 2015

The Power of Facebook

Mitchel Tozer

Image from: (Anaya, 2015)

What is power? 

Power cannot be defined simply as there are many forms. But where does it all originate from?
Power is deeply linked with space (Learn JCU, 2015). If you were to put an idea into the space of a virtual networks there are hundreds if not thousands of networks where your idea can go. “All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come” Victor Hugo (Hugo, n.d.)
Facebook is the social network that I have decided to do my analysis on for the next 5 weeks.
Initially I didn’t think much of Facebook, however as I began to make friends and my on virtual networks I saw the benefit of it as my ideas were getting out there in a big space.
There are many reasons why Facebook is good for expressing your ideas, take a look at this report from  to see the benefits of using Facebook. 
There are so many ways Facebook is helping in the virtual networking world. There are two that stick out for me. One is the way that anyone can have access to education resources such as university. University are on Facebook and in a matter of minutes you could be enrolling in a higher education program. Another is disaster relief, when there is a disaster Facebook itself asks for donations to help those in need. This not only notifies the world of people in need but offers you a way to help those people.
Facebook is helping our world network virtually and through those virtual connections we get real world opportunities. Facebook in a sense “brings the far-off within reach” (Allen, 2003). How does Facebook help you network?


Allen, J. (2003). Introduction: Lost Geographies . In J. Allen, Introduction: Lost Geographies (p. 12). United Kingdom : Blackwell Publishing.

Anaya, M. (2015). PCT. Retrieved from Advertising With PCT:

Hugo, V. (n.d.). Brainy Quote. Retrieved from Power Quotes :

Learn JCU. (2015, August ). Retrieved from BA1002 Our Space: Lecture 2:

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with what you're saying. I think Facebook is a very positive tool. It's very good at allowing people a space to express their ideas and concerns. Along with that, the sheer connectivity it has given different parts of the planet, although it wasn't at the forefront of the digital age, it certainly solidified what it stood for. Not only that, the fact that Facebook itself is its own kind of digital world with verbs like "Facebook me", "Inbox me", "I sent you a poke" etc. starting to come in to the public lexicon. According to Kuttainen, V. (2015) Networks are "... hubs and clusters and form 'small worlds'", and I believe that rings very true. As well as that, in terms of charity, apparently Facebook raised 10 million dollars from its users for the Nepal earthquake earlier this year, so it definitely has some efficacy in that area.

    Kuttainen, V. (2015). BA1002: Our Space: Networks, Narratives, The Making of Place, Lecture 2: Power: The Panopticon. [Power Point Slides] Retrieved from

    Ryall, J. (2015, May 01). "Facebook users donate $10 million to Nepal". Retrieved 20 August, 2015 from


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