Saturday, 29 August 2015

Team work? On Mineplex?

                       Wand, E. (2014). Think like a cat [Image]. Retrieved from

Strangely most games on the Mineplex arcade are team based, this is ironic, as your team mates are as likely to ignore you as to try and kill you to take your gear for themselves. But one game type called 'Castle Siege' pits at least 60 people on two teams against each other. Even though the defenders of the castle have better equipment they may only spawn once, while the attackers spawn until the battle timer runs out. As the defenders of the castle die they become wolves, which are expendable and easily killed. This usually ends with the castle being overrun and the defenders being defeated. On the occasional match something amazing happens, the defenders communicate and coordinate the defense. When this happens they nearly always win. This gives the player a sense that they are actually trying to defend their castle against the undead hordes, it gives the castle a sense of worth, through short quickly typed comments and suggestions on the state of the the defenses and when a sapper is coming in.


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