Saturday, 22 August 2015

FaceBook: The virtual book of ... maps?

"Maps are both mirrors and shapers of the world," (Kuttainen, V. 2015).

[Image: Gram, A. (2013).]

When someone says 'map', we often think of a physical hard copy of a geographical map or even the smart phone application called 'Google maps' but there is so much more to the concept of 'maps'. This will be explored and analysed and also linked to the social networking website, FaceBook.

According to Wood, D et al (2001), "Every map is a purposeful selection from everything that is known, bent to the mapmaker's ends. Every map serves a purpose. Every map advances an interest." This quote is directly relevant to the concept of maps but more specifically, the concept of 'social maps'. According to WiseGEEK (2015), "A social map is a visual representation of a social network."FaceBook is essentially a social map because it is a visual representation of the networks between it's users. The social map of FaceBook shows people from across the world having the potential to connect with each other . In FaceBook, majority of people have presented at some point their birth date, gender, interests, and hobbies. This give the website data which enables it to connect people similar to each other.

Overall, it is clear that FaceBook is a form of a map; a social map.

Reference List
Gram, A. (2013). Blue Light. Retrieved from               accomplished-boys/page3 on 21/08/15.
Kuttainen, V. (2015). BA1002: Our Space: Networks, Narratives, and the Making of Place: Lecture            4:Maps. Retrieved from on 21/08/15.
WiseGeek, (2015). What is a Social Map? Retrieved from                    social-         map.htm on 21/08/15.

Wood, D et al. (2001). Seeing through Maps: Many Ways to See the World. Retrieved from                            https// on 21/08/15.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that Facebook is clearly outlined as a social map. Although due to the categorically fast and popular uprising of this cyber network it could be overlooked at as being considered a virtual map of someone’s life. “People have become more and more disassociated” (Scheller, 2008). The evolution that the 21st century has brought to the fast and uprising technology, has changed society. The relationships with one another have deteriorated, the personal touch is unseen. The ‘need’ and ‘want’ to remember someone’s birthday is no longer thought about in nowadays humanity as being reminded by a Facebook notification on a daily basis is considered personalized enough for today’s youthful culture. The view that Facebook has become a social map of society though the use of connecting with people through interests, hobbies, birthdays and ‘mutual’ friends is correct however; its purpose of connecting people is being used in a wrongful and dissociating way.

    Schneller, A. (2008) Facebook is the impersonal means of communication. Retrieved from


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