Wednesday, 19 August 2015

The More the Better

“Think about what people are doing on Facebook today. They're keeping up with their friends and family, but they're also building an image and identity for themselves, which in a sense is their brand. They're connecting with the audience that they want to connect to. It's almost a disadvantage if you're not on it now (Zukerburg, M).”

                                                                                         (Oldhandjay, 2015).

For an assignment I was given the task of choosing one of my own social networking accounts and blogging about my experiences with it for the next 6 weeks. I chose my only account, Facebook.

Before a friend created my Facebook account for me nearly 5 years ago, I didn’t see why so many people loved it. However, after I began to gain friends, join groups and like pages I began to understand what a great convenience it was. Its many virtual networks helped to make things so much easier.
Today Facebook is connected with my work, university and any other committees I am a part of, like the Townsville to Cairns Bike Ride (TCBR) committee for 2016.
I am just one of the 1.49 billon Facebook users worldwide who logs onto their account at least once a month (Smith, 2015).
Many different people maintain an account for so many reasons. Ranging from a diehard twilight fan to a simple business wanting to get their name around and make contact with its clients even simpler, or even someone who wants to have easy contact with a faraway family member.
Most people aim to have as many ‘friends’ as possible. This is done by searching for people you know outside of the account, or even some you don’t and sending them a request, if they accept then they will join your friend list. By adding new friends you can then see what friends you have in common and add them, relationships mean power (Allen, 2003, p. 1).
There are many rescue pages and charity pages, such as Save a Horse Australia (SAHA), being created on Facebook who share the stories of who or what they are trying to help at the moment. With the aim of calling for what little donations they can drag in to help their organisation.

Smith, C. (2015, August, 13). By the Number 200+ Amazing Facebook Statistics.

Allen, J. (2003). Lost Geographies of Power. Malden, USA: Blackwell Publishing.

Oldhandjay (2015, April 6). Is 100% eCommerce World Possible? What are the Requirements For it
to Happen? 1. Internet Connection Everywhere.

Zuckerberg, M. (n.d.).

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