Sunday, 30 August 2015

Be who you want.

“The fact of the matter is that the 'real world' is to a large extent unconsciously built upon the language habits of the group.” Sapir (1958:69)

retrieved from BuzzFeed

Language in reality can be a part of many different things. It influences the daily life of everyone; no one can go throughout life without it. Through language you can identify a part of who you are. Different languages connect to certain countries, although people can learn more than one language and grow a new connection. Language, words or speech help define and can be said to have the power to create and even destroy places. Words that are used make effect its reputation in a positive or negative way. Through this power is seen through language (Tuan,1991). Language is knowledge and knowledge is power, in this life power can change the way you and many others live. The knowledge of languages can determine how the world works. In Papua New Guinea there is a total of 851 languages (Lewis, 2015), the country itself is no bigger than North Queensland.

Although Snapchat is one of social Medias network that contains a very restricted word limit, language is a huge part of it. Snapchat connects the world through its images. On videos or snaps you have the places of the countries, states or events you are attending. The language barrier is in a way broken. You don’t need to try and translate languages as it adapts to where you are. Language is a part of the culture and through snapchat you can see that through live feeds. In a sense it has its own power in that. You feel excited and curious to where those places are or what events are going on. Snapchat although isn’t like Facebook or Instagram it doesn’t limit what you can experience.

Reference list
Lewis,M. (2015) Ethnologue: Papua New Guinea.  Retrieved from

Tuan,Y.(1991) Language and the making of place: A narrative-descriptive approach. Annals of the Association of America Geographers, 81(4), pp.684-696. Retrieved from


Scoopnest (2015). BuzzFeed. Retrieved from 

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