Sunday, 20 September 2015

The Cyber-Organic Canivore

   You would not treat multiple severe lacerations by chumming down a charred steak. Then why so in games like Minecraft? And why does a loaf of bread not fill your character while a single grilled pork chop? Although farming is not really a part in any of the games on the Mineplex server, it is still relevant as food gathering and medicational consumption is vital. Power seems to be given to meat, when it comes to sheer (though now indirect through a hunger system) healing power, with steak and pork chops as the most potent. This highlights power dynamics within the game, while the game is international and has a massive following, it would be hard to imagine this game aimed at Jewish or Islamic players. Furthermore a vegetarian would little choice but to suffer with impotent bread. As Patel  (2007 pp2-19.) puts forwards, the capitalist consumer world is about convenience, for the retailer; there is little actual choice for food consumption choices for these people. Although these beliefs may not necessarily translate into this virtual space, it is something to consider. Another interesting point is in the game primary focus on meat, this is a token sign that this game was made by reasonably wealthy people in a wealthy country, which really encapsulates the issues of childhood inactivity and obesity  in these countries.


Patel, R. (2007) Introduction . Stuffed and starved: Markets, power and the hidden battle for the      world food system. (pp. 1-19). Melbourne, Australia: Black Inc.

penny,(2006)[Image]. pork chops (homecooked) - delicious!

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