Sunday, 6 September 2015

Never add family on Snapchat

“So who is this "authentic" self? We see this subject emerge through the autobiographical self-inscriptions of the "Profile," the human-software interface that members are invited to fill out upon joining the social network community.McNeil, 2015

Communication through Snapchat works in many ways you could say that others have more dominance but in reality everyone does. Communication through Snapchat isn’t like Facebook or Instagram it is on a different level. On different level I am referring to is that Snapchat doesn’t allow you to have open conversations with people at once, you aren’t able to see everyone snaps and you can only contact people that allow you too. I guess in that way one has more dominance but you however able to have to do the same back thus everyone is able to be dominant throughout Snapchat. Users can pick and choose who is able to communicate with them; this can also tie into other networks like Facebook and Instagram. Through Facebook and Instagram you can add fellow followers/ friends and even advertise your Snapchat account. You are able to create a Snapchat profile through this and add who you like at let the rest just “watch” your stories. Not only is this a way of communicating with people intentionally, you are also able to communicate unconsciously through your profile just by just putting your snaps on my story or sending personal snaps. This can be considered communication as you are allowing people to see that you are male/female that you live a certain country/state/city or even just anything apart of your everyday life. Communication doesn’t just have to be you saying hi to someone else but by allowing other to see your life and know what you are doing. Like hey look at me I’m so rich or that you are so popular and party 24/7. Even through this communication you can lead false lives and others may never know (unless you have people you know on their). Through this you can say that there is a certain “Genre” on snapchat, as the genre is based on who you are and what you know, restrictions are set on those who are not a part of certain genres (Van Luyn, 2015).

Mcneil.L(2012) There is no “I” in Network: Social networking sites and posthuman auto/biography. Retrieved from

Photography credit
Funny Meme.(2012) When your mum adds you on snapchat. Retrieved from

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